Are you ready to?

Become the CEO of your unique MG business?

So you can have the manifesting Generator life & business of your dreams

if you would have told me 6 months ago that i would be running a successful international online business for mg's only + running an amazing mg branding agency i probably would not have believed you.....

and yet it happened in just 6 months time!!

How? Because i follow a very simple 3 step process in my business, allowing me to move the needle in my business consistently with my true souls mission while also making money on the short term (providing my business with the oxygen she needs to thrive). 

  our main focus points during the mG business dream academy:

yes please!!!!!

becoming an energetic match to clients that excite us

creating space in our business where we can express and explore our unique MG personality

creating a new energyfield + adapting a new set of mindset beliefs to support us on our (new) souls mission

earn back the investment for the MG Business dream academy

This is what we won’t focus on

attracting clients who drain our energy or are unwilling/unable to pay us good money for our souls mission

filling our calendar with lots of appointments or marketing activities that don’t light us up

copying other peoples business strategies that don’t align to our unique mG personality

all is possible as long as you believe

summer ‘22 while on vacation in italy i heard gods voice say “you have to focus on mg’s only”

And my reaction was NO WAY!!! I will loose all my business. But I chose to follow that voice anyway. Super scary but I knew I had to do it.

I burned everything I had build so far to the ground (a very successful online Dutch business, a large insta following from over 6000 followers, a nr. 1 I-tunes podcast show and so much more) and started all over again. 

Now 1 year later I am running an international business focused on MG’s only, truly serving my souls mission; helping other MG female entrepreneurs make money with their souls mission and help them step up as the CEO of their unique MG company’s.

 and this is why i created the…

the MG business dream academy

a completely tailored 3 month coaching/mastermind container for unique mG’s like yourself ready to step up as the ceo’s of their company

So you can start making money with your souls mission while fully expressing your unique MG personality

this is how it’s set up….

  • Phase 1: Energetic Preparation

    In this phase we will work on:

    • Your frequency

    • Your visibility

  • Phase 2: Transformation

    In this phase we will work on:

    • Your energy/frequency. Making you an energetic match for the clients you want to work with, and for the money you desire to make.

    • Assignments that move the needle in your business, keep you focused and provide you with the oxygen your business needs on the short term so it can thrive on the long term.

    • Mindset work to make sure you don’t self sabotage yourself, and continue to show up in your business as the self led CEO that you are.

Can i overdeliver with this crazy bonuses?

If you are concerned about not being at the right level Mindset wise, business wise or in regards to your human design Knowledge, then don’t worry. this is exactly why I am giving you...

bonus one

the irresistible MG inspiration box

(value: 7093,95)

When you sign up you get instant access to all the payed courses and content I have created in ‘22/’23 for my MG students. In depth content to raise your frequency, extend your knowledge around your Human Design profile in a business context, and so much more. See FAQ for more info. 

bonus TWO

The 30 day High level online retreat

(value: €3500)

LEARNING HOW TO RUN YOUR Business AS A CEO totally aligned to your unique mg personality allowing all your gifts to come to fruition, fully expressing your  unique mg personality while making good money and serving the world 

imagine this

Having amazing fun clients And a life that lights you up!

How good it will feel to finally show up as the soul led CEO that you are. An amazing multi talented MG. To run your business in a way that is truly unique to you and make good money while doing this? Have your clients approach you instead of you chasing them.

That will make you feel on top of the world, but more importantly it will give the world the gift of experiencing your amazing MG energy which will create an amazing ripple effect for the entire world.

the world requires you to do this

“It’s Our Energy Field That Makes Us Attractive To Other People. When We All Honor Our Energy Type And show up In The Way we Are Really Designed (Instead Of Conditioned) We Become A Magnet To Miracles"

~Sophie Latumaelissa-Dittmar 
Isn't it Time To become the ceo of your unique mg business? And start making good money with your true souls mission?

the answer is a FULL BODY YES SISTER!!

You will not find any other program like this. This is the only program that combines frequency work, mindset & MG aligned action work all in one. And will help you build an amazing long lasting foundation for your MG business, so that you can start and keep making money with your souls mission!!! A way that is soothing for your energy field.



It’s time you got show up as the soul led ceo that you are and get paid good money or your amazing work (and inspire others by doing it)!

This special offer will be going away soon, so make sure to grab it while it's still at this discounted price



Because I’m not just your regular business coach.

My name is Sophie,

I graduated cum laude as a psychologist in 2008 and worked for almost 10 years as a certified psychologist in the Netherlands before I started my online business in 2017.

Since then I’ve helped thousands of Female entrepreneurs (just like you) to make money with their souls mission.

I'm a Manifesting Generator 1/3. 

I ran a very successful online business in the Netherlands for over 6 years. Until the summer of ‘22 after giving birth to our beautiful daughter Xoë-Xophia, when I heard a voice say “you have to burn everything down and focus only on Manifesting Generators”. After some huge resistance I followed the voice anyway. And now 1 year later I help MG sisters from all over the world make money with their souls mission.

I'm not special, I just love diving deep into things (my 1 line in Human Design ;), research and test my methods with the help of the Universe and my spirit team into formulas that all Manifesting Generator female entrepreneurs can use.

This is the exact reason why female Manifesting Generators from all over the world trust and come to me so that they can start making money with their souls mission while fully embodying their own unique MG personality.

And it will take you to a secure registration page where you can enter your information and start right away

these women went before you
Farin Farah, Manifesting generator

Soof was the angel in my life i needed.

I sold out an entire theatre for my first ever LIVE Prayer event in just 5 weeks time in a way truly aligned to my MG personality. No complicated marketing tricks. Just me and my energy. The event was epic. I never imagined this to be possible.


When are the coaching calls?

All calls are held on Tuesdays. 

  • Frequency calls, every first Tuesday of the month from 2 PM (CET). 

  • Assignment/mastermind calls (walk in sessions with 1:1 hot seat): every second Tuesday of the month from 12 - 5 PM (CET).

  • Evaluation calls every fourth Tuesday of the month from 2 PM (CET). 

How does the 'walk in call' work, and what is a 1:1 hot seat?

The walk in session is set up in a way that you can attend all the hot seat moments if you like. I will come online that day at 12 pm and stay until all the students have had their 1:1 hot seat with me. All hot seats are recorded so you can watch them all at a later moment if you like. During the 1:1 hot seat we will work 1:1 on your business and souls mission. One hot seat moment will take about 10 minutes per person. You will receive at least 3 hot seat moments during phase 2 of the MG Business Dream Academy.

What courses are all included in the irresistible MG inspiration box bonus? 

As a bonus you get 1 year long access to all the payed courses and content I have created so far for my MG clients in ’22/’23. The total value of this package currently is over >€10.000. 

This includes: 

  • the Art of Responding course: an extensive audio training on how to use your responsive and informing human design strategy and sacral or emotional authority in a business content, so you can use it to grow your business. Sold for €1111

  • The Money Genekeys Bonus training: a short to the point audio training to help you get clear on your unique relationship with money according to your Genekeys chart. Sold for €555 

  • 3 x Selling Queen Journeys: so far I created 3 different 5 day Selling Queen journeys. You get acces to all videos + bonus material. Main goal: activating your own MG Selling Queen Frequency and make more sales: sold for €99 each 

  • Conversion offer bonus training: a 2 hour workshop where I show you step by step how to create a highly converting offer by using your Human Design Responsive strategy: sold for €111

  • All recordings from my previous webinars so you can use this for inspiration if you ever want to host a webinar yourself: free 

  • All recordings from my Unapologetic mastermind: sold for €5000

  • Recordings of my initiation calls to help you remove any energetic blockages:sold for  €99 per initiation 

  • The mystery offer including the human design ‘gift’ guide: sold for €19,95

when can i sign up? 

The MG Business Dream Academy is a evergreen academy meaning you can sign up at any time. Note that the price goes up every time we hit a specific number of sign ups for the academy.

What happens after I sign up?

When you sign up you will receive an email from me within 48 hours with a request to send me a WhatsApp message. There you will receive further instructions and immediate access to all the material.

If You Have Read To This Point You Are Obviously ready to show up as the ceo of your unique mg business


Don't go another 5 months, or 5 years Playing small, God is inviting you to go bigger!!!

See you inside.

Still got questions? You can contact me through Whatsapp at +31 627573333

© 2023 Sophie Dittmar 

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